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  My name is Gledis. I was born in Albania and now live in the beautiful city of Toronto, in Canada. Though the winters get cold, I believe for me it is when most of my creativity comes out. 

 My art explores the relationship between physical and spiritual existence. The dualities that encompass our physical world, as well as the dualities of mental phenomena.

  Nature is the great master who teaches me all there is to know about who I am. It inspires not only my art, but also how I approach life. Seeing the seasons change is the most profound experience that inspires most of my work. The inspiration does not come only from the physicality of nature, but also on how nature affects me on a spiritual level.


I found peace in yoga, the same peace I feel in nature. I found peace in the simplicity of breath and movement, where I saw my own  beauty reflected back at me.       


Each painting, each breath, each movement, is a grand orchestra of who I am at a moment in time.                                                                        

"When you are creating something, a          song, a dance, you are also creating yourself.

You are discovering new dimensions of your being." - Osho


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